
Validity was formed to bring confidence to all of us who rely on data every day to run our business. We realize the importance of trusting data and all the challenges our operations encounter once doubt creeps in. As a global industry leader in data quality, our role is to ensure you have the tools you need to tackle the complexities of data administration and regain certainty with the integrity of your data assets.

Our Trust Platform is comprised of software services and solutions that help you know where you stand with your data and enable an ongoing assessment and toolset to correct data issues. For over a decade, tens of thousands of administrators in over 20 countries across the world have trusted our products to regain integrity with their CRM data. We will continue to invest in our Trust Platform to share back with our community the insights gleaned in the best practices of data management.

We cherish our relationship with each of our customers and will always strive to continue earning the trust you place with us every day.