Here is a brief list of FAQ’s.

Still have questions? Just send us a message via the Contact-form!

How do we become a sponsor?

Visit our sponsor page for all the details: https://www.yeurdreamin.eu/interest-for-sponsorship/

How do I join the virtual conference?

For anyone with a valid ticket, the live stream details will be shared before the event starts

How do I join the in-person conference?

Anyone who purchased a valid ticket, is welcome to join us in Amsterdam, from 16:00 onward. See the agenda for more details.

Do I need to bring a laptop?

No laptops are needed. There is no secure storage for laptops or valuables.

How do I get there?

If you’re joining the virtual conference, we’ll send the details for the live stream closer to the date.

If you’re joining the in-person gathering, we recommend using public transport. 

Address: Laarderhoogtweg 18, 1101 EA Amsterdam, Netherlands

Public transport:

  • Metro station Bullewijk (12-min walk)
  • Bus stop Laarderhoogtweg (4-min walk)

However, it’s also easy to reach by car. Paid parking is available nearby.

Use this address for navigation apps: Lemelerbergweg 32, 1101 AH Amsterdam, Netherlands

Is parking available?

Paid parking is available.

The entrance to the parking lot is Lemelerbergweg 32, 1101 AH Amsterdam. You can park there using ParkBee or open the boom gate using the QR code at the entrance. More details and rates here.

It’s a 200m walk from the parking lot to the entrance, opposite Lemelerbergweg 32.

Is there a dress code?

There is no dress code for the in-person gathering. Please wear comfortable shoes.

How about accommodation?

Hotels are available in the area. We do not have any discount codes at this stage.

An overview of available hotels in Amsterdam-Zuidoost

How can I make a personal donation to help the YeurDreamin’ foundation with its financial challenges?

There a a few options:

Thank you for your support!

How do I stay informed?

Follow us on LinkedIn or subscribe to the newsletter

What is the event language?

YeurDreamin’ is 100% in English.

Can I transfer my ticket to someone else?

Yes you can, just log into Eventbrite and change your ticket details. More info: https://www.eventbrite.com/support/articles/en_US/How_To/how-to-update-your-ticket-registration-information?lg=en_US

How can I find out if there is a local user group near me?

To see all the Salesforce user groups and find one near you visit https://trailblazercommunitygroups.com or, if you’re based in the Netherlands, Belgium or Luxembourg, visit https://beneluxsfcommunity.org/ for even more info.