Empowering Refugees to Find Work Within the Salesforce Ecosystem

The Dutch refugee population is diverse. At the end of 2016, there were over 101,700 refugees in The Netherlands. Background, skills, education, and languages vary vastly between individuals or groups of individuals from one country of origin. Just one in three refugees between of working age living in the Netherlands have a paid job and many are permanently dependent on social assistance benefits. Without the proper credentials and training, refugees settle for temporary or low-skilled labor or have recertify credentials in order to be competitive in the market. RefugeeForce is here to change that.

Our mission is to prepare talented refugees with comprehensive and personalised Salesforce training to become productive and flourishing members of the Dutch technology sector. We are uniquely positioned to meet the skilled labor demand for the growing ICT Sector in the Netherlands using Salesforce. RefugeeForce is a Salesforce-native organization as it uses the Salesforce platform for all its operating and programmatic activities.

General Trailblazers Non-Profit Trailblazers
Location: Blaze's Short Sessions Date: 14/06/2019 Time: 11:30 - 11:50 Gaspar Rodriguez